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RO-Velo 360° Tour (RO-EN)

Ro-Velo 360° Tour (RO)

RO-VELO 360° TOUR Randonneur (Ro360TR) reprezinta un brevet din categoria BRM1200+ din ciclismul de anduranta, organizat in Romania, de catre Randonneurs Romania si Asociatia Adevaratii VeloPrieteni Romania, sub licenta Randonneurs Mondiaux.

Traseul Ro360TR (, in lungime de 3000 km si cu o diferenta de nivel de aproximativ 18000 metri, si care trebuie finalizat in maximum 15 zile (o medie de minimum 200 de km/zi), pentru obtinerea brevetului, reprezinta turul Romaniei de-a lungul conturului sau.

Startul si sosirea sunt in Giurgiu, existand 28 de puncte de control intermediare in localitati aflate pe conturul Romaniei, astfel:

PC01, km 0, start, Giurgiu (Turnul Ceasornicului)
PC02, km 177, Esechioi (Indicator localitate)
PC03, km 324, Vama Veche (Borna Km 0 Romania)
PC04, km 384, Constanta (Cazinoul)
PC05, km 439, Istria (Cetatea Histria)
PC06, km 555, Dunavatu de Jos (Indicator localitate)
PC07, km 688, Galati (Universitea Dunarea de Jos)
PC08, km 798, Falciu (Indicator localitate)
PC09, km 927, Iasi (Palatul Culturii)
PC10, km 1079, Radauti Prut (Indicator localitate)
PC11, km 1214, Putna (Manastirea Putna)
PC12, km 1287, Moldovita (Muzeul Oualelor vopsite)
PC13, km 1469, Poienile de sub Munte (Biserica de Lemn)
PC14, km 1622, Tarna Mare (Indicator localitate)
PC15, km 1686, Dorolt (Indicator localitate)
PC16, km 1822, Oradea (Indicator localitate)
PC17, km 1929, Graniceri (Indicator localitate)
PC18, km 2014, Nadlac (Indicator iesire localitate)
PC19, km 2121, Beba Veche (Indicator localitate)
PC20, km 2190, Jimbolia (Indicator localitate)
PC21, km 2277, Deta (Indicator localitate)
PC22, km 2342, Oravita (Indicator localitate)
PC23, km 2392, Bazias (Indicator localitate)
PC24, km 2504, Dubova (Statuia lui Decebal)
PC25, km 2610, Portile de Fier II (Podul)
PC26, km 2666, Cetate (Portul Cultural Cetate)
PC27, km 2702, Ciupercenii Vechi (Indicator localitate)
PC28, km 2805, Bechet (Indicator localitate)
PC29, km 2884, Turnu Magurele (Monumentul Eroilor)
PC30, km 3000, sosire, Giurgiu (Turnul Ceasornicului)

Startul primei editii a avut loc in 19 iunie 2021, intr-un format 100% pe cont propriu, 17 ciclisti reusind sa obtina brevetul:
ENE Iulian 345:15
ANGHEL Mihai 345:15
DORCU David 345:15
SANDU Micu Daniel 345:15
VELCHEV Dmitriy 345:15
VLAD Eugen Nicusor 345:15
POPA Petre 322:16
ISAC Remus Dumitru 303:15
RADU Cristian 349:55
RESCEANU Madalin 349:55
POP Marian 314:50
POPIUC Cristian 314:50
TITEI Dragomir 299:30
NEGULESCU Daniela 347:45
BRANZAN Teodor 354:08
DIACONESCU George 347:45
IOSEP Cristian 347:45

Evenimentul va fi organizat din 4 in 4 ani (urmatoarea editie va avea loc in 2025).

Actualizare: 23 martie 2022

Ro-Velo 360° Tour (EN)

RO-VELO 360° TOUR Randonneur (Ro360TR) is one of the BRM1200+ brevet ride of endurance cycling, organized for the first time in Romania by Randonneurs Romania and Adevărații VeloPrieteni Romania, under the Randonneurs Mondiaux license.

The result will be officially validated if the route (, of 3000 km length and of around 18000 m difference in terms of altitude level, will be completed within 15 days (each participant will need to cover 200 km on average on a daily basis). The route of the Ro360TR follows the contour of the country. 

The start of the pilot edition of the Ro360TR has been planned for the 19th of June 2021 and it will most likely take place in a format adapted to the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, similar to the events organized in 2020. In addition to that, each participant will be 100% on his own. Both the departure and the arrival places are in Giurgiu. Along the way, there will be 28 checkpoints which, in case the ride will be organized under the aforementioned circumstances, can also be considered to be departure and arrival places. The direction of the route, initially established by the organizer, will nevertheless be the same and cannot be changed. These are the checkpoints:

CP01, km 0, start, Giurgiu (Turnul Ceasornicului)
CP02, km 177, Esechioi (Indicator localitate)
CP03, km 324, Vama Veche (Borna Km 0 Romania)
CP04, km 384, Constanta (Cazinoul)
CP05, km 439, Istria (Cetatea Histria)
CP06, km 555, Dunavatu de Jos (Indicator localitate)
CP07, km 688, Galati (Universitea Dunarea de Jos)
CP08, km 798, Falciu (Indicator localitate)
CP09, km 927, Iasi (Palatul Culturii)
CP10, km 1079, Radauti Prut (Indicator localitate)
CP11, km 1214, Putna (Manastirea Putna)
CP12, km 1287, Moldovita (Muzeul Oualelor vopsite)
CP13, km 1469, Poienile de sub Munte (Biserica de Lemn)
CP14, km 1622, Tarna Mare (Indicator localitate)
CP15, km 1686, Dorolt (Indicator localitate)
CP16, km 1822, Oradea (Indicator localitate)
CP17, km 1929, Graniceri (Indicator localitate)
CP18, km 2014, Nadlac (Indicator iesire localitate)
CP19, km 2121, Beba Veche (Indicator localitate)
CP20, km 2190, Jimbolia (Indicator localitate)
CP21, km 2277, Deta (Indicator localitate)
CP22, km 2342, Oravita (Indicator localitate)
CP23, km 2392, Bazias (Indicator localitate)
CP24, km 2504, Dubova (Statuia lui Decebal)
CP25, km 2610, Portile de Fier II (Podul)
CP26, km 2666, Cetate (Portul Cultural Cetate)
CP27, km 2702, Ciupercenii Vechi (Indicator localitate)
CP28, km 2805, Bechet (Indicator localitate)
CP29, km 2884, Turnu Magurele (Monumentul Eroilor)
CP30, km 3000, arrival, Giurgiu (Turnul Ceasornicului)

The first edition of the event took place in 2021, and the next edition will take place in 2025.

Updated: March 23, 2022