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Bucuresti, Romania


Black Sea & TransFagarasan Road

RO-1200 Randonneur: Black Sea & Transfagarasan Road (RO)

RO-1200 Randonneur: Black Sea & Transfagarasan Road (EN)

BLACK SEA & TRANSFAGARASAN ROAD Randonneur (BS&TRR) reprezinta un brevet de BRM1200+ din ciclismul de anduranta, organizat in Romania, de catre Randonneurs Romania si Asociatia Adevaratii VeloPrieteni Romania, sub licenta Randonneurs Mondiaux, in cadrul evenimentului RO-1200 Randonneur (eveniment care se desfasoara in anii in care in calendarul BRM1200+ nu vor fi planificate Drumul Dunarii Randonneur si Paris-Brest-Paris), in format 100% pe cont propriu.

Editia a 3-a va fi organizata in perioada 24-28 august 2024. Inscrierile vor incepe pe 15 mai 2024. Nu exista conditii de calificare privind inscrierea.

Traseul BS&TRR (, in lungime de 1200 km si cu o diferenta de nivel de aproximativ 7500 metri, si care trebuie finalizat in maximum 90 de ore, face legatura intre Marea Neagra si Muntii Carpati, ajungand pe TransFagarasan, considerat unul dintre cele mai frumoase drumuri alpine din lume.

Startul si sosirea sunt in capitala Romaniei, existand 11 puncte de control intermediare in locuri cu rezonanta istorica din Dobrogea, Transilvania si Muntenia:

PC1, start, Bucuresti km 0 (Arcul de Triumf)
PC2, Adamclisi km 209 (Mausoleul)
PC3. Mamaia km 278 (Hostel Nord Casino)
PC4, Istria km 326 (Cetatea)
PC5, Slava Cercheza km 378 (Popas Monte Greco – indicator restaurant)
PC6, Lehliu Gara km 559 (La Partid)
PC7, Bucuresti km 629 (Arcul de Triumf)
PC8, Targoviste km 719 (Poarta Bucurestilor)
PC9, Curtea de Arges km 819 (Gara Regala)
PC10, Victoria km 946 (indicator intrare localitate)
PC11, Bran km 1033 (Castelul Bran)
PC12, Breaza km 1105 (Parcul Constantin Brancoveanu)
PC13, sosire, Bucuresti km 1203 (Arcul de Triumf)

Editia pilot a evenimentului RO-1200 Randonneur, pe traseul BS&TRR, a avut loc in perioada septembrie-octombrie 2020, intr-un format adaptat situatiei de pandemie generata de noul Coronavirus (au fost organizate 4 starturi in ultimele doua weekend-uri din septembrie si in primele doua weekenduri din octombrie), respectiv 100% pe cont propriu. La cererea mai multor ciclisti de anduranta din Romania si din strainatate, care nu au putut participa la Paris-Brest-Paris, editia a doua a acestui ultra-brevet a fost organizata in anul 2023 (start: 12 august).

Doi ciclisti au reusit sa obtina brevetul in cadrul primei editii:

Trei ciclisti au reusit sa obtina brevetul in cadrul celei de-a doua editii:
VELCHEV DMITRIY (Bulgaria) 74h50
BARDAKOS HECTOR (Grecia) 88h35

BLACK SEA & TRANSFAGARASAN ROAD Randonneur (BS&TRR) represent a BRM1200+ for endurance cycling organized in Romania, by Randonneurs Romania and the Adevaratii VeloPrieteni Romania Association, under the Randonneurs Mondiaux license for the RO-1200 Randonneur events (events which take place in the years where in the BRM1200+ calendar the “Drumul Dunarii Randonneur” and “Paris-Brest-Paris” are not scheduled), in a standalone format.

The 3rd edition will be organized on the 24th-28th of August 2024. Registration will begin on May 15th, 2024. There are no qualifying conditions for registration.

The BS&TRR route( stretching across 1200km with a 7500m slope and a time limit of 90 hours, while tying together the Black Seaand the Carpathian Mountains, crosses the TransFagarasan, considered to be one of the most beautiful alpine roads in the world.

The start and finish take place in the capital of Romania, Bucharest, and 11 control points exist in places with historic resonance across Dobrogea, Transilvania and Muntenia:

CP1, starting point, Bucharest, 0 km (The Arch of Triumph, “Arcul de Triumf”)
CP2, Adamclisi, 209 km (The Mausoleum)
CP3, Mamaia, 278 km (Hostel Nord Casino)
CP4, Istria, 336 km (The Fortress)
CP5, Slava Cercheza, 378 km ( The Monte Greco Halt (sign), “Popas Monte Greco”)
CP6, Lehliu Gara, 559 km (“La Partid” Restaurant)
CP7, Bucharest, 629 km (The Arch of Triumph, “Arcul de Triumf”)
CP8, Targoviste, 719 km (Bucharests’ Gate, “Poarta Bucurestilor”)
CP9, Curtea de Arges, 819 km (Royal Train Station, “Gara Regala”)
CP10, Victoria, 946 km (city entrance sign)
CP11, Bran, 1033 km (Bran Castle)
CP12, Breaza, 1105 km (Constantin Brancoveanu Park)
CP13, finish, Bucharest, 1203 km (The Arch of Triumph, “Arcul de Triumf”)

The Pilot of the RO-1200 Randonneur event, on the BS&TRR route, took place during September to October of 2020 in a format generated as consequence the Corona Virus pandemic (organized in 4 starts in the two last weekends of September and first two weekends of October), in the standalone format. Thanks to the request of many endurance cyclists in Romania and from outside the country, who couldn’t participate in Paris-Brest-Paris, the 2nd edition of this “ultra-brevet” was organized in 2023 (with its start in 12th of August).

Two cyclists managed to obtain the homologation during the 1st edition of the event:

Three cyclists managed to obtain the homologation during the 2nd edition of the event:
BARDAKOS HECTOR (Grecia) – 88h35min
VELCHEV DMITRIY (Bulgaria) – 74h50min