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Bucuresti, Romania


Rezultate Fleche / Trace Romania

Titluri oferite ciclistilor care participa la turele pe echipe

Super Fleche – titlul oferit unui ciclist care participa la 5 editii ale turei Fleche sau Arrow.
Super Trace – titlul oferit unui ciclist care participa la 5 editii ale turei Trace sau Dart.
Ultra Fleche – titlul oferit unui ciclist care participa la 10 editii ale turei Fleche sau Arrow.
Ultra Trace – titlul oferit unui ciclist care participa la 10 editii ale turei Trace sau Dart.

Super Fleche 2021 2022
Iulian Ene / 2017-2018-2019-2020-2021 CH-2021-SF-16
Florin Munteanu / 2017-2018-2019-2020-2021 CH-2021-SF-17
Daniel Stoica / 2017-2018-2019-2020-2021 CH-2021-SF-18
Ceapraga Bogdan Alexandru / 2018-2019-2020-2021-2022 CH-2022-SF-27
Alecu Adrian Romulus / 2018-2020-2021-2022(2) CH-2022-SF-28
Gageanu Sorin Emil / 2017-2018-2019-2020-2022 CH-2022-SF-29
Ilinca Marius / 2018-2019-2020-2021-2022 CH-2022-SF-30
Lepadatu Lucian / 2018-2019-2020-2021-2022 CH-2022-SF-31

Brevete FLECHE si TRACE 2017-2022 (286 FLECHE / 32 TRACE)


Nr.crt. Nume si prenume Nationalitate Gen 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Observatie
Fleche Fleche F Int. Trace Fleche Trace Fleche Trace Fleche Fleche F Int. Trace Fleche Trace General
1 ENE Iulian Romania M FR FR FR FR FR FR 6 0 6
2 ALECU Adrian Romulus Romania M FU* TR FT FT FT FU* 5 1 6 *Ungaria
3 CEAPRAGA Bogdan Alexandru Romania M FR FR FR FR FR 5 0 5
4 GAGEANU Sorin Emil Romania M FR FR FR FR FR 5 0 5
5 ILINCA Marius Romania M FR FR FR FR FR 5 0 5
6 LEPADATU Lucian Romania M FR FR FR FR FR 5 0 5
7 MUNTEANU Florin Romania M FR FR FR FR FR 5 0 5
8 STOICA Daniel Romania M FR FR FR FR FR 5 0 5
9 AIRINEI  Gabriela Elena Romania F TR TR TR FT 1 3 4
10 BERNA Cristina Romania F FR FR FR FR 4 0 4
11 BORISOF Mihail Romania M FR FR FR FR 4 0 4
12 BURLACU George Iulian Romania M FR FR FR FR 4 0 4
13 GAL Gabriel Romania M FR FT FT FT 4 0 4
14 GHITULEASA Ciprian Romania M TR TR TR TR 0 4 4
15 ISTRATE Cornel Romania M FR FR FR FR 4 0 4
16 MANAILA Cristian Romania M FR FR FR FR 4 0 4
17 MOISE Constantin Daniel Romania M FT FT FT FU* 4 0 4 *Ungaria
18 RACZ Zoltan Dezso Romania M FT FT FT FU* 4 0 4 *Ungaria
19 RADU Cristian Romania M FR FR FR FR 4 0 4
20 SPINU Cristian Romania M FR FR FR FR 4 0 4
21 STROE Bogdan Vlad Romania M FR FR FR FR 4 0 4
22 TINCU Gheorghe Ilie Romania M FR FT FT FT 4 0 4
23 VLAD Eugen Nicusor Romania M FR FR FR FR 4 0 4
24 AIRINEI  Cristian Daniel Romania M TR TR TR 0 3 3
25 APOSTOLESCU Laurentiu Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
26 BORCEA Cristian Eusebiu Romania M FT FT FT 3 0 3
27 COTITOSU Viorel Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
28 DATCU Ionut Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
29 FURTUNA Catalin Razvan Gabriel Romania M FR TR TR 1 2 3
30 HEIDEL Imbre Alexandru Romania M FR FT FT 3 0 3
31 ILIN Ioan Mihai Romania M FT FT FT 3 0 3
32 IOSEP Cristian Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
33 MACOVEI Dan Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
34 MIERLEA Alexandru Nicolae Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
35 MIU Adrian Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
36 MOCUTA Raul Romania M FT FT FU* 3 0 3 *Ungaria
37 NEGULESCU Daniela Romania F FR FR FR 3 0 3
38 PETRE Victor Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
39 RADU Virgil Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
40 RESCEANU Madalin Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
41 SERBAN Cosmin Cristinel Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
42 SOCACI Marius Romania M FU* FR FT 3 0 3 *Ungaria
43 SZABO Razvan Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
44 TAMBA Ovidiu Daniel Romania M FR FT FT 3 0 3
45 VASILE Ovidiu Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
46 VISAN Iulian Viorel Romania M FR FR FR 3 0 3
47 ANGHEL Mihai Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
48 BALESCU Stefan Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
49 BERESCU Daniel Romania M FR FT 2 0 2
50 CAMPEANU Mihnea Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
51 CHIPERI Alexandru Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
52 CHISCOP Marius Adrian Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
53 COSTESCU Daniel Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
54 COSTINIU Mihaela Cristina Romania F TR FR 1 1 2
55 DIACONU Denisa Romania F FR FR 2 0 2
56 DUMITRIU Constantin Romania M FT FT 2 0 2
57 GRIGORE Simona Iuliana Romania F FR FR 2 0 2
58 GUGU Alin Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
59 IACOB Gheorghita Romania M FT FT 2 0 2
60 IEPURE Radu Vasile Romania M FT FT 2 0 2
61 IONICA Ionel Dragos Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
62 IORDAN Cristian Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
63 LAZAR Lucian Romania M FR FT 2 0 2
64 LEPADATU Alexandru Romania M FR FT 2 0 2
65 MANOLACHE Gabriel Valentin Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
66 MOTIU Paul Romania M FT FT 2 0 2
67 NASCA Cristian Marius Romania M FR FT 2 0 2
68 NEAG Ionut Romania M FR FT 2 0 2
69 ONITA Aurel Romania M FT FT 2 0 2
70 PATRASCU-MICLUT Alexandru Nicolae Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
71 PETRAS Radu Romania M FT FT 2 0 2
72 PETREUS Adrian Romania M FT FT 2 0 2
73 POPA Petre Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
74 SLABU Claudiu Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
75 STANCA Constantin Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
76 STROE Bogdan Maximilian Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
77 STROESCU Cristian Romania M FR TR 1 1 2
78 SUHAN Cornelia Florentina Romania F TR TR 0 2 2
79 TANASE Daniel Florin Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
80 TANASE Paul Florin Romania M TR TR 0 2 2
81 TOMA Alexandru Romania M FR FR 2 0 2
82 TRIF Oana Mihaela Romania F FR FR 2 0 2
83 ANTOHI Gheorghe Alexandru Romania M FR 1 0 1
84 BAJENARU Sorin Mihai Romania M FR 1 0 1
85 BALAN Vlad Romania M FR 1 0 1
86 BENO Alex Romania M FT 1 0 1
87 BOIKO Yurii Ucraina M FR 1 0 1
88 BORUGA Ionel Romania M FR 1 0 1
89 BRAGARU Bogdan Romania M FR 1 0 1
90 BUCURA Dumitru Bogdan Romania M FR 1 0 1
91 BURDALESCU Bogdan Romania M FR 1 0 1
92 CAMPEANU Claudiu Ioan Romania M FT 1 0 1
93 CHIRIAC Sabin Octavian Romania M FR 1 0 1
94 CIOFIAC Claudiu Romania M FR 1 0 1
95 COCAN Viorel Romania M FR 1 0 1
96 COMAN Vlad Alexandru Romania M FR 1 0 1
97 CRACIUN Florian Remus Romania M FR 1 0 1
98 CRUCIANU Florentina Romania F TR 0 1 1
99 CURICUTA Iulian Romania M FR 1 0 1
100 DARIE Alexandru Romania M FR 1 0 1
101 DEACANU Vasile Viorel Romania M FR 1 0 1
102 DELOREANU Florin Romania M FR 1 0 1
103 DICU Gheorghe Romania M FR 1 0 1
104 DONEA Nicolaie Romania M FR 1 0 1
105 DORCU David Romania M FR 1 0 1
106 DRAGOMIR Sorin Romania M FR 1 0 1
107 DUMITRU Emil Adrian Romania M FR 1 0 1
108 GAVRILA Camelia Loreta Romania F TR 0 1 1
109 GAVRILA Tiberiu Serban Romania M FR 1 0 1
110 GHEORGHE Adrian Romania M FR 1 0 1
111 GHILT Roxana Maria Romania F FR 1 0 1
112 GLODEANU Lucian Romania M FR 1 0 1
113 HANGANU-CUCU Radu Romania M FR 1 0 1
114 HORVATH Raluca Mihaela Romania F FR 1 0 1
115 HRITCU Alina Romania F TR 0 1 1
116 IACOVOIU Damian Romania M TR 0 1 1
117 IONESCU Alexandru Romania M FR 1 0 1
118 IONICA Stefan Marian Romania M FR 1 0 1
119 KUTSENKO Ievgen Ucraina M FR 1 0 1
120 MANTA Ionut Romania M FR 1 0 1
121 MEREU Valentina Romania F FR 1 0 1
122 MIHAI Cristian Romania M FR 1 0 1
123 MIRCEA Costin Romania M FR 1 0 1
124 MIREA Virgil Alexandru Romania M FR 1 0 1
125 MITRAN Marcel Adrian Romania M FR 1 0 1
126 MITRU Mihail Romania M FR 1 0 1
127 MITU Septimiu Romania M FR 1 0 1
128 MOISA Florin Vianor Romania M FT 1 0 1
129 MURAFA Bogdan Valeriu Romania M FR 1 0 1
130 NAE Alin Cristian Romania M FR 1 0 1
131 NEACSU Florin Romania M FR 1 0 1
132 NICOARA Ioan Alexandru Romania M FR 1 0 1
133 NICULAE Ruxandra Iuliana Romania F TR 0 1 1
134 OANCEA Valeriu Romania M FR 1 0 1
135 ORBULOV Petru Laurian Romania M FT 1 0 1
136 PETRESCU Mihai Romania M TR 0 1 1
137 PETRESCU Sorina Romania F TR 0 1 1
138 PICIU Viorel Romania M FR 1 0 1
139 PLESCULESEI Ilie Romania M TR 0 1 1
140 POPA Costel Romania M FR 1 0 1
141 POPA Daniel Romania M FR 1 0 1
142 POPA Marin Ovidiu Romania M FT 1 0 1
143 POPA Paul Romania M FR 1 0 1
144 PORCUTAN Dan George Romania M FR 1 0 1
145 PUTINEANU Adrian Romania M TR 0 1 1
146 REBENCIUC Cosmin Dan Romania M FR 1 0 1
147 SANDU Micu Daniel Romania M FR 1 0 1
148 SHVAK Igor Ucraina M FR 1 0 1
149 SILAGHI Petru Costin Romania M TR 0 1 1
150 STANCIU Lucian Romania M FR 1 0 1
151 STANCIU Sorin Romania M FR 1 0 1
152 TANASE Loredana Romania F FR 1 0 1
153 TITEI Dragomir Romania M FR 1 0 1
154 TOADER Florian Romania M FR 1 0 1
155 TOMULESCU Mihai Sorin Romania M TR 0 1 1
156 TOROK Tibor Romania M FR 1 0 1
157 TUDORA Damian Romania M FR 1 0 1
158 URBÁN András Ungaria M FT 1 0 1
159 VELE Irina Romania F TR 0 1 1
160 VITELARIU Razvan Mihail Romania M FR 1 0 1
161 VLAD Domitian Romania M FR 1 0 1
162 VORONEANU Ionela Romania F TR 0 1 1
163 ZAMFIR Alexandru Romania M FR 1 0 1
TOTAL 24 64 2 12 41 5 61 4 45 45 4 11 286 32 318


FR – Fleche Romania
FT – Fleche Transilvania
TR – Trace Romania
FU – Fleche Ungaria


Omologare Echipa Nume si prenume Distanta
RO-2022-1338 AV Romania 10 Wheels ENE Iulian 365
RO-2022-1339 AV Romania 10 Wheels COMAN Vlad Alexandru 365
RO-2022-1340 AV Romania 10 Wheels SPINU Cristian 365
RO-2022-1341 Fleche Team Penteleu MANAILA Cristian 384
RO-2022-1342 Fleche Team Penteleu DATCU Ionut 384
RO-2022-1343 Fleche Team Penteleu MANOLACHE Valentin 384
RO-2022-1344 Fleche Team Penteleu ZAMFIR Alexandru 384
RO-2022-1345 Fleche Team Penteleu VISAN Iulian Viorel 384
RO-2022-1346 NBT RADU Cristian 364
RO-2022-1347 NBT BURLACU George Iulian 364
RO-2022-1348 NBT RESCEANU Madalin 364
RO-2022-1349 NBT MANTA Ionut 364
RO-2022-1350 NBT ISTRATE Cornel 364
RO-2022-1351 Buftea Race Team LEPADATU Lucian 360
RO-2022-1352 Buftea Race Team ILINCA Marius 360
RO-2022-1353 Buftea Race Team PETRE Victor 360
RO-2022-1354 Peste Limite GAGEANU Sorin Emil 382
RO-2022-1355 Peste Limite MACOVEI Dan 382
RO-2022-1356 Peste Limite RADU Virgil 382
RO-2022-1357 Peste Limite SERBAN Cosmin Cristinel 382
RO-2022-1358 Peste Limite STROE Bogdan Vlad 382
RO-2022-1359 A-Team CEAPRAGA Bogdan Alexandru 502
RO-2022-1360 A-Team GUGU Alin 502
RO-2022-1361 A-Team TOMA Alexandru 502
RO-2022-1362 Pluton Express MIU Adrian 366
RO-2022-1363 Pluton Express CAMPEANU Mihnea 366
RO-2022-1364 Pluton Express HORVATH Raluca Mihaela 366


Omologare Echipa Nume si prenume Distanta
RO-2022-1365 THE OLD RABBITS Petras Radu 379
RO-2022-1366 THE OLD RABBITS Iepure Radu Vasile 379
RO-2022-1367 THE OLD RABBITS Dumitriu Constantin 379
RO-2022-1368 SADIKU 666 Alecu Adrian-Romulus 362
RO-2022-1369 SADIKU 666 Racz Zoltan Dezso 362
RO-2022-1370 SADIKU 666 Moise  Daniel 362
RO-2022-1371 SADIKU 666 Airinei Cristian Daniel 362
RO-2022-1372 COOL CATZ Borcea Cristian Eusebiu 364
RO-2022-1373 COOL CATZ Tamba Ovidiu Daniel 364
RO-2022-1374 COOL CATZ Ilin Ioan Mihai 364
RO-2022-1375 COOL CATZ Heidel Alexandru 364
RO-2022-1376 COOL CATZ Onita Aurel 364
RO-2022-1377 MOTII PE BICICLETE Tincu Gheorghe-Ilie 369
RO-2022-1378 MOTII PE BICICLETE Motiu Paul 369
RO-2022-1379 MOTII PE BICICLETE Gal Gabriel 369
RO-2022-1380 RACING BIKE PRO Mocuta Raul 360
RO-2022-1381 RACING BIKE PRO Socaci Marius 360
RO-2022-1382 RACING BIKE PRO Berescu Daniel 360
RO-2022-1383 RACING BIKE PRO Petreus Adrian 360


Omologare Echipa Nume si prenume Distanta
TN-RO-006 Bike Force One PETRESCU Mihai 204
TN-RO-007 Bike Force One PETRESCU Sorina 204
TN-RO-008 Bike Force One VELE Irina 204
TN-RO-009 Bike Force One VORONEANU Ionela 204
TN-RO-010 Bike Force One CRUCIANU Florentina 204
TN-RO-011 Bufnitele SUHAN Cornelia Florentina 204
TN-RO-012 Bufnitele HRITCU Alina 204
TN-RO-013 Bufnitele NICULAE Ruxandra Iuliana 204
TN-RO-014 Bufnitele GHITULEASA Ciprian 204
TN-RO-015 Bufnitele IACOVOIU Damian 204
TN-RO-016 Bufnitele PUTINEANU Adrian 204


Omologare Echipa Nume si prenume Distanta
RO-2021-0368 AV Romania 10 Wheels ENE Iulian 366
RO-2021-0369 AV Romania 10 Wheels CEAPRAGA Bogdan Alexandru 366
RO-2021-0370 AV Romania 10 Wheels MUNTEANU Florin 366
RO-2021-0371 AV Romania 10 Wheels SPINU Cristian 366
RO-2021-0372 AV Romania 10 Wheels STOICA Daniel 366
RO-2021-0373 Piciu Team Iasi VLAD Nicusor Eugen 393
RO-2021-0374 Piciu Team Iasi VLAD Domitian 393
RO-2021-0375 Piciu Team Iasi POPA Paul 393
RO-2021-0376 Girls Squad NEGULESCU Daniela 366
RO-2021-0377 Girls Squad TANASE Loredana 366
RO-2021-0378 Girls Squad DIACONU Denisa 366
RO-2021-0379 Fleche Team Penteleu MANAILA Cristian 384
RO-2021-0380 Fleche Team Penteleu DATCU Ionut 384
RO-2021-0381 Fleche Team Penteleu VISAN Iulian Viorel 384
RO-2021-0382 NBT RADU Cristian 365
RO-2021-0383 NBT BURLACU George Iulian 365
RO-2021-0384 NBT RESCEANU Madalin 365
RO-2021-0385 NBT ISTRATE Cornel 365
RO-2021-0386 Buftea Race Team LEPADATU Lucian 362
RO-2021-0387 Buftea Race Team ILINCA Marius 362
RO-2021-0388 Buftea Race Team PETRE Victor 362
RO-2021-0389 Team 1000K VITELARIU Razvan Mihail 365
RO-2021-0390 Team 1000K GAVRILA Tiberiu Serban 365
RO-2021-0391 Team 1000K COCAN Viorel 365
RO-2021-0392 Team 1000K IOSEP Cristian 365
RO-2021-0393 Team 1000K BORISOF Mihail 365


Omologare Echipa Nume si prenume Distanta
RO-2021-0394 THE RABBITS IACOB Gheorghita 360
RO-2021-0395 THE RABBITS PETRAS Radu 360
RO-2021-0396 THE RABBITS IEPURE Radu 360
RO-2021-0397 THE RABBITS DUMITRIU Constantin 360
RO-2021-0398 THE RABBITS POPA Marin Ovidiu 360
RO-2021-0399 SADIKU 666 ALECU Adrian Romulus 368
RO-2021-0400 SADIKU 666 RACZ Zoltan Dezso 368
RO-2021-0401 SADIKU 666 MOISE Daniel 368
RO-2021-0402 SADIKU 666 URBÁN András 368
RO-2021-0403 COOL CATZ BORCEA Cristian Eusebiu 362
RO-2021-0404 COOL CATZ TAMBA Ovidiu Daniel 362
RO-2021-0405 COOL CATZ ONITA Aurel 362
RO-2021-0406 COOL CATZ ILIN Ioan Mihai 362
RO-2021-0407 MOTII PE BICICLETE TINCU Gheorghe Ilie 360
RO-2021-0408 MOTII PE BICICLETE GAL Gabriel 360
RO-2021-0410 ASCA REGHIN NASCA Marius 360
RO-2021-0411 ASCA REGHIN LEPADATU Alexandru 360
RO-2021-0412 ASCA REGHIN LAZAR Lucian 360
RO-2021-0413 ASCA REGHIN NEAG Ionut 360


Omologare Echipa Nume Prenume Distanta
RO-2020-0147 Head Voices ANGHEL Mihai 365
RO-2020-0148 Head Voices ANTOHI Gheorghe Alexandru 365
RO-2020-0126 5FDP APOSTOLESCU Laurentiu 365
RO-2020-0127 5FDP BALESCU Stefan 365
RO-2020-0124 Penteleu BERESCU Daniel 372
RO-2020-0113 Girls Squad BERNA Cristina 362
RO-2020-0138 Plutonul Express BORISOF Mihail 367
RO-2020-0140 Plutonul Express BORUGA Ionel 367
RO-2020-0130 NBT BURLACU George Iulian 362
RO-2020-0104 AV Romania 10 Wheels CEAPRAGA Bogdan Alexandru 366
RO-2020-0125 5FDP CHIPERI Alexandru 365
RO-2020-0118 4 For Fleche CHISCOP Marius Adrian 369
RO-2020-0149 Head Voices COSTINIU Mihaela Cristina 365
RO-2020-0139 Plutonul Express COTITOSU Viorel 367
RO-2020-0122 Penteleu DATCU Ionut 372
RO-2020-0143 Old Bike Riders Buzau DEACANU Vasile Viorel 379
RO-2020-0115 Girls Squad DIACONU Denisa 362
RO-2020-0144 Old Bike Riders Buzau DICU Gheorghe 379
RO-2020-0119 4 For Fleche DONEA Nicolaie 369
RO-2020-0103 AV Romania 10 Wheels ENE Iulian 366
RO-2020-0106 AV Romania 10 Wheels GAGEANU Sorin Emil 366
RO-2020-0114 Girls Squad GRIGORE Simona Iuliana 362
RO-2020-0134 Buftea Race Team ILINCA Marius 363
RO-2020-0142 Plutonul Express IONICA Stefan 367
RO-2020-0141 Plutonul Express IOSEP Cristian 367
RO-2020-0132 NBT ISTRATE Cornel 362
RO-2020-0112 Piciu Team Iasi LAZAR Lucian 393
RO-2020-0110 Piciu Team Iasi LEPADATU Alexandru 393
RO-2020-0135 Buftea Race Team LEPADATU Lucian 363
RO-2020-0121 Penteleu MANAILA Cristian 372
RO-2020-0145 Old Bike Riders Buzau MANOLACHE Gabriel Valentin 379
RO-2020-0128 5FDP MIU Adrian 365
RO-2020-0105 AV Romania 10 Wheels MUNTEANU Florin 366
RO-2020-0109 Piciu Team Iasi NASCA Cristian Marius 393
RO-2020-0111 Piciu Team Iasi NEAGU Ionut 393
RO-2020-0116 Girls Squad NEGULESCU Daniela 362
RO-2020-0136 Buftea Race Team PETRE Victor 363
RO-2020-0146 Old Bike Riders Buzau POPA Daniel 379
RO-2020-0129 NBT RADU Cristian 362
RO-2020-0137 Buftea Race Team STANCIU Sorin 363
RO-2020-0107 AV Romania 10 Wheels STOICA Daniel 366
RO-2020-0117 4 For Fleche STROE Bogdan Maximilian 369
RO-2020-0120 4 For Fleche STROE Bogdan Vlad 369
RO-2020-0131 NBT TANASE Daniel 362
RO-2020-0133 Buftea Race Team VASILE Ovidiu 363
RO-2020-0123 Penteleu VISAN Iulian Viorel 372
RO-2020-0108 Piciu Team Iasi VLAD Nicusor Eugen 393


Omologare Echipa Nume Prenume Distanta
RO-2020-0150 NAPOCA CYCLING PLUS PDG MOISA Florin Vianor 382
RO-2020-0151 NAPOCA CYCLING PLUS PDG IACOB Gheorghita 382
RO-2020-0153 SADIKU 666 ALECU Adrian Romulus 368
RO-2020-0154 SADIKU 666 RACZ Zoltan Dezso 368
RO-2020-0155 SADIKU 666 MOISE Constantin Daniel 368
RO-2020-0156 SADIKU 666 HEIDEL Imbre Alexandru 368
RO-2020-0157 SADIKU 666 ORBULOV Petru Laurian 368
RO-2020-0158 COOL CATZ BORCEA Cristian Eusebiu 364
RO-2020-0159 COOL CATZ BENO Alex 364
RO-2020-0160 COOL CATZ ILIN Ioan Mihai 364
RO-2020-0162 MOTII PE BICICLETE TINCU Gheorghe Ilie 366
RO-2020-0164 MOTII PE BICICLETE GAL Gabriel 366


Omologare Echipa Nume Prenume Distanta
RO-2020-T-0001 Da, si eu pot! AIRINEI Cristian Daniel 226
RO-2020-T-0002 Da, si eu pot! AIRINEI Gabriela Elena 226
RO-2020-T-0003 Da, si eu pot! TANASE Paul 226
RO-2020-T-0004 Da, si eu pot! GHITULEASA Ciprian 226


Omologare Echipa Nume Prenume Distanta
RO-2019-0111 AV Romania 10 Wheels ENE Iulian 360
RO-2019-0112 AV Romania 10 Wheels CEAPRAGA Bogdan Alexandru 360
RO-2019-0113 AV Romania 10 Wheels MUNTEANU Florin 360
RO-2019-0114 AV Romania 10 Wheels SPINU Cristian 360
RO-2019-0115 AV Romania 10 Wheels STOICA Daniel 360
RO-2019-0116 Peste Limite SERBAN Cosmin Cristinel 400
RO-2019-0117 Peste Limite GAGEANU Sorin Emil 400
RO-2019-0118 Peste Limite MACOVEI Dan 400
RO-2019-0119 Peste Limite RADU Virgil 400
RO-2019-0120 5 For Fleche STROE Bogdan Maximilian 369
RO-2019-0121 5 For Fleche CHISCOP Marius Adrian 369
RO-2019-0122 5 For Fleche IORDAN Cristian 369
RO-2019-0123 5 For Fleche STANCIU Lucian 369
RO-2019-0124 5 For Fleche STROE Bogdan Vlad 369
RO-2019-0125 RomVelo BERNA Cristina 369
RO-2019-0126 RomVelo MANAILA Cristian 369
RO-2019-0127 RomVelo MIERLEA Alexandru Nicolae 369
RO-2019-0128 RomVelo NEGULESCU Daniela 369
RO-2019-0129 RomVelo TITEI Dragomir 369
RO-2019-0130 Piciu Team Iasi VLAD Nicusor Eugen 393
RO-2019-0131 Piciu Team Iasi DORCU David 393
RO-2019-0132 Piciu Team Iasi GUGU Alin 393
RO-2019-0133 Piciu Team Iasi POPA Petre 393
RO-2019-0134 RandoRom Arad HEIDEL Imbre Alexandru 363
RO-2019-0135 RandoRom Arad GAL Gabriel 363
RO-2019-0136 RandoRom Arad SOCACI Marius 363
RO-2019-0137 RandoRom Arad TAMBA Ovidiu Daniel 363
RO-2019-0138 RandoRom Arad TINCU Gheorghe Ilie 363
RO-2019-0139 5FDP CHIPERI Alexandru 369
RO-2019-0140 5FDP APOSTOLESCU Laurentiu 369
RO-2019-0141 5FDP CAMPEANU Mihnea 369
RO-2019-0142 5FDP MIU Adrian 369
RO-2019-0143 2 Fast Wheels SZABO Razvan 362
RO-2019-0144 2 Fast Wheels COSTESCU Daniel 362
RO-2019-0145 2 Fast Wheels IONICA Ionel Dragos 362
RO-2019-0146 2 Fast Wheels MITRAN Marcel Adrian 362
RO-2019-0147 Buftea Race Team VASILE Ovidiu 367
RO-2019-0148 Buftea Race Team ILINCA Marius 367
RO-2019-0149 Buftea Race Team LEPADATU Lucian 367
RO-2019-0150 Plutonul Express BORISOF Mihail 366
RO-2019-0151 Plutonul Express COTITOSU Viorel 366
RO-2019-0152 Plutonul Express MIHAI Cristian 366


Omologare Echipa Nume Prenume Distanta
RO-2019-T-0026 Da, si eu pot! AIRINEI Cristian Daniel 226
RO-2019-T-0027 Da, si eu pot! AIRINEI Gabriela Elena 226
RO-2019-T-0028 Da, si eu pot! FURTUNA Catalin Razvan Gabriel 226
RO-2019-T-0029 Da, si eu pot! GHITULEASA Ciprian 226
RO-2019-T-0030 Da, si eu pot! PLESCULESEI Ilie 226


Omologare Echipa Nume Prenume Distanta
RO-2018-0398 AV Romania 10 Wheels ENE Iulian 383
RO-2018-0399 AV Romania 10 Wheels CEAPRAGA Bogdan Alexandru 383
RO-2018-0400 AV Romania 10 Wheels MUNTEANU Florin 383
RO-2018-0401 AV Romania 10 Wheels STANCA Constantin 383
RO-2018-0402 AV Romania 10 Wheels STOICA Daniel 383
RO-2018-0403 Ride4fun APOSTOLESCU Laurentiu 378
RO-2018-0404 Ride4Fun CURICUTA Iulian 378
RO-2018-0405 Ride4Fun IOSEP Cristian 378
RO-2018-0406 Ride4Fun TANASE Daniel Florin 378
RO-2018-0407 Ride4fun SANDU Micu Daniel 378
RO-2018-0408 New Bicycles Team RADU Cristian 375
RO-2018-0409 New Bicycles Team BURLACU George Iulian 375
RO-2018-0410 New Bycicles Team MURAFA Bogdan Valeriu 375
RO-2018-0411 New Bicycles Team RESCEANU Madalin 375
RO-2018-0412 CX Team TOMA Alexandru 367
RO-2018-0413 CX Team BAJENARU Sorin Mihai 367
RO-2018-0414 CX Team DUMITRU Emil Adrian 367
RO-2018-0415 CX Team TOADER Florian 367
RO-2018-0416 CX Team TOROK Tibor 367
RO-2018-0417 Running Wheel GRIGORE Simona Iuliana 378
RO-2018-0418 Running Wheel BERNA Cristina 378
RO-2018-0419 Running Wheel BRAGARU Bogdan 378
RO-2018-0420 Running Wheel GHILT Roxana Maria 378
RO-2018-0421 Running Wheel OANCEA Valeriu 378
RO-2018-0422 Peste Limite MACOVEI Dan 386
RO-2018-0423 Peste Limite GAGEANU Sorin 386
RO-2018-0424 Peste Limite RADU Virgil 386
RO-2018-0425 Peste Limite SERBAN Cosmin Cristinel 386
RO-2018-0426 Brigada Fulger MIRCEA Costin 394
RO-2018-0427 Brigada Fulger COSTESCU Daniel 394
RO-2018-0428 Brigada Fulger MIERLEA Alexandru Nicolae 394
RO-2018-0429 Brigada Fulger POPA Costel 394
RO-2018-0430 Brigada Fulger SZABO Razvan 394
RO-2018-0431 RandoRom PATRASCU MICLUT Alexandru Nicolae 375
RO-2018-0432 RondoRom ANGHEL Mihai 375
RO-2018-0433 RandoRom MEREU Valentina 375
RO-2018-0434 RandoRom PORCUTAN Dan George 375
RO-2018-0435 Hoinari Pe Doua Roti SLABU Claudiu 365
RO-2018-0436 Hoinari Pe Doua Roti COTITOSU Viorel 365
RO-2018-0437 Hoinari Pe Doua Roti HANGANU-CUCU Radu 365
RO-2018-0438 Hoinari Pe Doua Roti REBENCIUC Cosmin Dan 365
RO-2018-0439 Hoinari Pe Doua Roti TRIF Oana Mihaela 365
RO-2018-0440 Velo-Union SPINU Cristian 383
RO-2018-0441 Velo-Union BALESCU Stefan 383
RO-2018-0442 Velo-Union VLAD Eugen Nicusor 383
RO-2018-0443 Baklajan International (Ukraine) KUTSENKO Ievgen 430
RO-2018-0444 Baklajan International (Ukraine) SHVAK Igor 430
RO-2018-0445 Baklajan International (Ukraine) BOIKO Yurii 430
RO-2018-0446 Buftea Race Team VASILE Ovidiu 362
RO-2018-0447 Buftea Race Team CHIRIAC Sabin Octavian 362
RO-2018-0448 Buftea Race Team ILINCA Marius 362
RO-2018-0449 Buftea Race Team LEPADATU Lucian 362
RO-2018-0450 Buftea Race Team MIREA Virgil Alexandru 362
RO-2018-0451 Triple A IONESCU Alexandru 366
RO-2018-0452 Triple A DARIE Alexandru 366
RO-2018-0453 Triple A NICOARA Ioan Alexandru 366
RO-2018-0454 Fleche Ad-Hoc IORDAN Cristian 383
RO-2018-0455 Fleche Ad-Hoc BORISOF Mihail 383
RO-2018-0456 Fleche Ad-Hoc BUCURA Dumitru Bogdan 383
RO-2018-0457 Fleche Ad-Hoc POPA Petre 383
RO-2018-0458 Fleche Ad-Hoc STROE Bogdan 383
RO-2018-0459 Round’n’Round MITRU Mihail 378
RO-2018-0460 Round’n’Round ISTRATE Cornel 378
RO-2018-0461 Round’n’Round BURDALESCU Bogdan 378
RO-2018-0462 Round’n’Round MITU Septimiu 378


Omologare Echipa Nume Prenume Distanta
RO-2018-T-0013 Da, si eu pot! AIRINEI Cristian Daniel 230
RO-2018-T-0014 Da, si eu pot! AIRINEI Gabriela Elena 230
RO-2018-T-0015 Da, si eu pot! ALECU Adrian Romulus 230
RO-2018-T-0016 Da, si eu pot! GAVRILA Camelia Loreta 230
RO-2018-T-0017 Da, si eu pot! GHITULEASA Ciprian 230
RO-2018-T-0018 Da, si eu pot! TANASE Paul Florin 230
RO-2018-T-0019 Tribul Invictus FURTUNA Catalin Razvan Gabriel 203
RO-2018-T-0020 Tribul Invictus COSTINIU Mihaela Cristina 203
RO-2018-T-0021 Tribul Invictus SILAGHI Petru 203
RO-2018-T-0022 Tribul Invictus STROESCU Cristian Daniel 203
RO-2018-T-0023 Tribul Invictus SUHAN Cornelia Florentina 203
RO-2018-T-0024 Tribul Invictus TOMULESCU Mihai Sorin 203


Omologare Echipa Nume Prenume Distanta
RO-2017-0890 AV Romania 10 Wheels ENE Iulian 364
RO-2017-0891 AV Romania 10 Wheels GAGEANU Sorin 364
RO-2017-0892 AV Romania 10 Wheels GLODEANU Lucian 364
RO-2017-0893 AV Romania 10 Wheels STANCA Costel 364
RO-2017-0894 AV Romania 10 Wheels STOICA Daniel 364
RO-2017-0895 Craiova Cycling Team DELOREANU Florin 371
RO-2017-0896 Craiova Cycling Team IONICA Ionel-Dragos 371
RO-2017-0897 Craiova Cycling Team PICIU Viorel 371
RO-2017-0898 CSSC DRAGOMIR Sorin 366
RO-2017-0899 CSSC TUDORA Damian 366
RO-2017-0900 CSSC SZABO Razvan 366
RO-2017-0901 Forever Young MUNTEANU Florin 364
RO-2017-0902 Forever Young BALAN Vlad 364
RO-2017-0903 Forever Young CIOFIAC Claudiu 364
RO-2017-0904 Forever Young GHEORGHE Adrian 364
RO-2017-0905 Forever Young NEACSU Florin 364
RO-2017-0906 Hoinarii STROESCU Cristian 377
RO-2017-0907 Hoinarii BERNA Cristina 377
RO-2017-0908 Hoinarii MIERLEA Alexandru-Nicolae 377
RO-2017-0909 Hoinarii SLABU Claudiu 377
RO-2017-0910 Hoinarii TRIF Oana-Mihaela 377
RO-2017-0911 ROndoNED PATRASCU-MICLUT Alexandru-Nicolae 363
RO-2017-0912 ROndoNED CRACIUN Florian-Remus 363
RO-2017-0913 ROndoNED FURTUNA Catalin 363
RO-2017-0914 ROndoNED NAE Alin-Cristian 363