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Puncte de Control – DRUMUL DUNARII Checkpoints – DANUBE ROAD

Descrierea punctelor de control / Description of control points

Start (CP1) & finish (CP13): Elite Tennis Club

Startul si sosirea la Drumul Dunarii vor avea loc la Elite Tenis Club, la adresa Bulevardul Biruintei 19-21, Pantelimon.
Elite Tenis Club este o locatie destinata practicarii tenisului, situata foarte aproape de Bucuresti, imediat la iesirea din sectorul 2 catre Pantelimon.
Pe timpul pregatirii startului evenimentului Drumul Dunarii, aici vor fi organizate toate zonele necesare din punct de vedere organizatoric pentru ca participantii sa fie pregatiti sa plece pe traseu.
De asemenea, pentru mai bine de 70 de ore, in locatie va avea loc rand pe rand si sosirea participantilor.
Detalii despre Elite Tenis Club regasiti aici.

The start and finish of The Danube Road event will be at the Elite Tenis Club, located on Biruintei Boulevard No. 19-21, Pantelimon.
Elite Tenis Club is a tenis club located in the near proximity of Bucharest, just by the exit from District 2 towards Pantelimon.
During the preparation period for the start of The Danube Road event, participants will find all necessary information and items in designated areas that they will need to be part of the event.
Additionally, for over 70 hours, participants will be welcomed here upon their arrival to the finish.
More details about the Elite Tenis Club can be found here.

Km 73 (CP2): Lehliu Gara

PC2 va fi organizat cu suportul Restaurantului LA PARTID din Lehliu Gara.
Locatia punctului de control va fi la adresa: strada N. Titulescu nr. 68.
In punctul de control vor fi organizate zone de verificare si hidratare-energizare. De asemenea, cei care doresc pot lua cina (contra-cost) la acest renumit restaurant in lumea ciclistilor, fiind cunoscut ca o locatie bicycle-friendly.
In acest punct de control, voluntarii vor astepta participantii aproximativ 4 ore, acesta fiind deschis din 26 august, ora 22.00, pana in 27 august, ora 02.00.
Detalii despre Restaurantul LA PARTID regasiti aici.

CP2 will be organized in collaboration with LA PARTID Restaurant of Lehliu Gara.
The address of the control point will be: N. Titulescu Street, No. 68, Lehliu Gara.
At this control point there will be both brevet card checks and stamps and food and drinks. Additionally, for those interested in having a meal they can do so inside the restaurant (cost not included) which is renowned amongst cyclists as a bicycle-friendly location.
Here there will be volunteers waiting for participants for approximately 4 hours, the control point being open from August 26th, 22:00 until August 27th, 02:00.
More details regarding the restaurant LA PARTID can be found here.

Km 213 (CP3): Giurgiu

PC3 va fi organizat cu suportul Asociatiei Eastern Danube Convention & Visitors Bureau, CSM Giurgiu si Club SCM Dunarea 2020 Giurgiu.
Locatia punctului de control va fi Stadionul Marin Anastasovici, la adresa: strada Pacii nr. 60.
Aici vor fi organizate zone de verificare, hidratare-energizare, dusuri, odihna-somn si depozitare a bicicletelor, accesul fiind 100% gratuit la toate serviciile.
In acest punct de control, voluntarii vor astepta participantii aproximativ 11 ore, acesta fiind deschis din 27 august, de la ora 03.00 la ora 14.00.
Detalii despre Asociatia Eastern Danube Convention & Visitors Bureau regasiti aici, iar despre CSM Giurgiu aici.

CP3 will be organized in collaboration with the Eastern Danube Convention & Visitors Bureau Association, CSM Giurgiu and Club SCM Dunarea 20202 Giurgiu.
The address of the control point will be The Stadium “Marin Anastasovici”, located at Pacii Street, No. 60.
Here there will be brevet card checks and stamps, food and drinks, showers and sleep area as well as secure bike park area, with free access to all facilities.
The control point will be manned by volunteers who will be waiting for participants to arrive for approximately 11 hours, being open from August 27th, 03:00 until August 27th, 14.00.
More information about the Eastern Danube Convention & Visitors Bureau Association found here, and about CSM Giurgiu here.

Km 397.5 (CP4) si Km 1146 (CP10): Dabuleni

PC4 si PC10 vor fi organizate cu suportul Primariei din DABULENI.
Locatia punctului de control va fi Sala Sporturilor, situata la adresa: DN54A, 207220.
Aici vor fi organizate zone de verificare, hidratare-energizare, dusuri, odihna-somn si depozitare a bicicletelor, accesul fiind 100% gratuit la toate serviciile.
In acest punct de control, voluntarii vor astepta participantii aproximativ 72 de ore, acesta fiind deschis din 27 august, de la ora 09.15 pana in 30 august, la ora 19.25.
Detalii despre Primaria din DABULENI regasiti aici.

CP4 and CP10 will be organized in collaboration with the Townhall of DABULENI.
The address of the control point will be The Gymnasium, located here: DN54A, 207220.
Here there will be brevet card checks and stamps, food and drinks, shower and rest area as well as secure bike parking area, with free access to all facilities.
The control point will be manned by volunteers who will waiting for participants to arrive for approximately 72 hours, with open times from August 27th, 09:15, until August 30th, 19:25.
More information about the Townhall of DABULENI can be found here.

Km 507 (CP5) si Km 1036 (CP9): Calafat

PC5 si PC9 vor fi organizate cu suportul Benzinariei LUKOIL din CALAFAT.
Locatia punctului de control va fi la adresa: DN56, 205201.
In acest punct de control se va realiza doar verificare, la dus fiind deschis aproximativ 25 de ore, din 27 august, ora 13.00, pana in 28 august, ora 14.00, si la intoarcere, aproximativ 52 de ore, din 28 august, ora 06.30, pana in 30 august, ora 10.30.
Detalii despre Benzinaria LUKOIL din CALAFAT regasiti aici.

CP5 and CP9 will be organized in collaboration with the LUKOIL Gas Station of CALAFAT.
The address of the control point will be: DN56, 205201.
In this control point there will only be brevet card checks and stamps, being open on the way out for approximately 25 hours, from August 27th, 13:00 until August 28th, 14:00, and on the way back for approximately 52 hours, from August 28th, 06:30 until August 30th, 10:30.
More information about the LUKOIL Gas Station of CALAFAT can be found here.

Km 603 (CP6) si Km 941 (CP8): Drobeta-Turnu Severin

PC6 si PC8 vor fi organizate cu suportul Primariei din DROBETA-TURNU SEVERIN si Asociatiei Dam Pedale.
Locatia punctului de control va fi Sala Polivalenta, situata la adresa: Bulevardul Alunis 1, 220006.
Aici vor fi organizate zone de verificare, hidratare-energizare, dusuri, odihna-somn si depozitare a bicicletelor, accesul fiind 100% gratuit la toate serviciile.
In acest punct de control, voluntarii vor astepta participantii aproximativ 58 de ore, acesta fiind deschis din 27 august, de la ora 16.00 pana in 30 august, la ora 02.30.
Detalii despre Primaria din DROBETA-TURNU SEVERIN regasiti aici, iar despre Asociatia Dam Pedale aici.

CP6 and CP8 will be organized in collaboration with the Townhall of DROBETA-TURNU SEVERIN and the Association “Dam Pedale”.
The address of the control point will be The Polyvalent Hall, located at Alunis Boulevard, No. 1, 220006.
Here there will be brevet card checks and stamps, food and drinks, shower and rest area as well as secure bike parking area, with free access to all facilities.
The control point will be manned by volunteers who will waiting for participants to arrive for approximately 58 hours, with open times from August 27th, 16:00, until August 30th, 02:30
More information about the Townhall of DROBETA-TURNU SEVERIN can be found here, and about the Association “Dam Pedale” here.

Km 759 (CP7): Bazias

PC7 va fi organizat la Pensiunea PESCARUSUL VESEL din Bazias.
Bazias (in sarba Базијаш, cu alfabetul latin Bazijaš) este un sat in comuna Socol din judetul Caras-Severin, Banat, România. Aici intra Dunarea in România, iar prima cale ferata de pe teritoriul tarii noastre a fost construita intre Bazias si Oravita.
Locatia punctului de control va fi la adresa: DN57A, Baziaș, 327366.
In acest punct de control se va realiza doar verificare, fiind deschis aproximativ 38 de ore, din 27 august, ora 21.00, pana in 29 august, ora 11.00.
Detalii despre Cabana APUS DE SOARE din Bazias regasiti aici.

CP7 will be organized in collaboration with the Pension PESCARUSUL VESEL in Bazias.
Bazias (Базијаш in serbian, or Bazijaš with latin characters) is a village in the town of Socol in Caras-Severin County, Banat area, Romania. This is the entry point of the Danube in Romania, and also the starting point of the first railroad built in our country which extended from Bazias to Oravita.
The address of the control point will be: DN57A, Bazias, 327366.
Here there will only be brevet card checks and stamps, the control point being open for approximately 38 hours, from August 27th, 21:00 until August 29th, 11:00.
More information about the Pension APUS DE SOARE in Bazias can be found here.

Km 1255 (CP11): Rosiori de Vede

PC11 va fi organizat cu suportul Primariei Municipiului Rosiori de Vede, judetul Teleorman.
Locatia punctului de control va fi Stadionul Municipal “ROVA”, la adresa Str. Republicii 1.
Cu sprijinul Primariei Municipiului Rosiori de Vede, in punctul de control vor fi organizate zone de verificare, hidratare-energizare, dusuri, odihna-somn si depozitare a bicicletelor, accesul fiind 100% gratuit la toate serviciile.
In acest punct de control, voluntarii vor astepta participantii peste 60 de ore, acesta fiind deschis din 28 august, ora 14.00, pana in 31 august, ora 05.00.
Detalii despre Primaria Municipilui Rosiori de Vede regasiti aici si despre Stadionul Municipal “ROVA” aici.

CP11 will be organized in collaboration with the Town Hall of Rosiori de Vede, in the Teleorman county.
The address of the control point will be the “ROVA” Municipal Stadium, located at Republicii Street, No. 1, Rosiori de Vede.
With the support of the Town Hall of Rosiori de Vede, at the control point there will be brevet card checks and stamps, foods and drinks, showers and sleep area as well as a secure bike park area, with free access to all facilities.
Here there will be volunteers available for more than 60 hours, the control point being open from August 28th, 14:00 until August 31st, 05:00.
More information about the Town Hall of Rosiori de Vede can be found here and for the “Rova” Municipal Stadium you can find more information here.

Km 1329.5 (CP12): Videle

PC12 va fi organizat cu suportul Benzinariei OIL TRI INVEST din VIDELE.
Locatia punctului de control va fi la adresa: DJ503, Videle, 145300.
In acest punct de control se va realiza doar verificare, fiind deschis aproximativ 66 de ore, din 28 august, ora 17.00, pana in 31 august, ora 11.00.
Detalii despre Benzinaria OIL TRI INVEST din VIDELE regasiti aici.

CP12 will be organized in collaboration with the OIL TRI INVEST Gas Station of Videle.
The address of the control point will be: DJ503, Videle, 145300.
In this control point there will only be a brevet card check and stamp, the control point being open for approximately 66 hours, from August 28th, 17:00, until August 31st, 11:00.
More details regarding the location of the OIL TRI INVEST Gas Station of Videle can be found here.

Reguli pentru punctele de control

Orele de deschidere trebuie respectate.

Orele de inchidere trebuie respectate sau omologarea nu va fi efectuata. Planuiti-va timpul dinainte pentru a fi cat mai eficienti la punctele de control si pentru a ajunge inainte de orele de inchidere.

Exceptii se acorda in urmatoarele situatii:

  • o problema grava de natura mecanica;
  • implicare intr-un accident sau martor la un accident in care se solicita darea unei declaratii catre organele de politie;
  • oferirea de ajutor unui participant implicat intr-un accident si asteptarea unei ambulante sau a unui reprezentant din partea organizatorului pentru a ajuta persoana in cauza.

In aceste situatii, organizatorul inregistreaza intarzierea si o noteaza pe brevet-cardul respectivului participant.

In functie de intarziere, participantul trebuie sa recupereze timpul pierdut pana la inchiderea urmatoarelor 2-3 puncte de control (i se va preciza de catre organizator).

In situatia abandonarii, ciclistii trebuie:

  • sa-si inlature frame-badge-ul de pe bicicleta (dar, il poate pastra ca amintire);
  • sa anunte la cel mai apropiat punct de control, unde un voluntar va nota abandonul ciclistului pe brevet card si va raporta despre acest lucru catre organizator;
  • sa-si anunte rudele si prietenii.

Rules for checkpoints

Please mind the opening times.

Please mind the closing times in order to receive your certification. Plan your check points times carefully and finish before closing times.

Exceptions are considered:

  • a severe mechanical issue
  • being part of a traffic incident, or witness of an incident, waiting to give an official statement to the Police
  • helping a participant involved in an incident and waiting for an ambulance, or assisting a representative of the organiser in helping that participant

In those abovementioned situations, the organiser records the delay and mentions it on the brevet-card of the participant.

Based on that delay the participant has to recuperate the time until the closing of the following 2-3 checkpoints (it will be specified by the organiser).

In case of quitting, participants have to do the following:

  • remove the frame-badge of the bicycle (it can be kept as a souvenir)
  • announce at the closest checkpoint, where a volunteer will record the quitting on the participant`s brevet-card and will also announce the organiser
  • tell relatives and friends